
There are no in the door structure! rubbing consumables (springs, rollers, latches, counterweights, etc.), so the costs of their maintenance are reduced almost to zero.

The operator on his own will be able to inspect the gate approximately once every 4 months, but, at the request of the customer, within the framework of a separate contract, our specialists can perform annual maintenance and safety checks of the delivered Goods.

The warranty is given for CHAMPIONGROUP OÜ manufactured door and partition products as well as the installation.

The warranty is valid for 2 (two) years from the date of the delivery. When concluding a separate servicing agreement, the warranty is valid for 3 (three) years from the date of the delivery, in that the warranty is extended for a period of 1 (one) year. The first annual service, as specified in the service agreement, will be executed when the first warranty year has passed, subsequently at 6-month intervals.

The Warrantor is responsible for ensuring that the proper function of the product(s) is maintained during the warranty period. If this is not the case, it shall be considered a fault in the product. A fault is classified as (but not limited to) manufacturing and structural faults and other errors and omissions that affect the product usability during the warranty period. The warranty does not cover damage caused by accidents, lightning strikes, floods, storms or other force majeur events, generally-accepted daily wear and tear, non-compliance with operating or servicing instructions, or other improper use, overloading, or alternations not undertaken by the vendor.

To prevent any further damage, the Buyer shall immediately notify the Warrantor of any fault.

The Warrantor shall repair or replace the faulty goods (as appropriate) within a reasonable time from the date on which the Buyer has submitted notification of such fault. Assessment of what constitutes a reasonable repair period shall take into account the goods’ characteristics, type of fault, as well as the Buyer’s business operation requirements.

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Изготовление В конструкции ворот отсутствуют трущиеся расходные материалы (пружины, ролики, защелки, противовесы и пр.), поэтому затраты на их содержание сводятся к нулю. Для изготовления ворот используется сырье лучших европейских поставщиков, применяются самые современные технологии и новейшее оборудование Scope of warranty. The warranty is given for CHAMPIONGROUP OÜ manufactured door and partition products as well as the installation. Warranty validity. The warranty is valid for 2 (two) years from the date of the delivery. When concluding a separate servicing agreement, the warranty is valid for 3 (three) years from the date of the delivery, in that the warranty is extended for a period of 1 (one) year.

Door installation

Монтаж ворот Проект реализуется с учетом специфики эксплуатации ворот, будь то авиационный ангар, промышленный склад, производственный цех, порт, шахта и другие объекты.. ВАРИАНТЫ МОНТАЖА: Подъемные ворота и перегородки Champion Door поставляются полуготовыми к установке. В зависимости от варианта установки и размеров проема, монтаж может занимать от 1 до 10 рабочих дней. К каждому виду изделия мы прилагаем специальную папку со следующими документами: Инструкция по использованию Техническая информация и чертежи Оценка рисков согласно стандарту SFS-EN 1050 Календарь техобслуживания Сертификат соответствия ЕС Электрические схемы Инструкции по использованию и обслуживанию для механизмов ворот Обслуживание и техосмотры специалистами компании можно заказать за отдельную стоимость

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Илья Лях

Председатель совета директоров.


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